
Intellectual Property Rights Protection Assistance Station "opens" In Leather And Leather Goods Industrial Park

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On the 24th World Intellectual Property Day, the "4.26" intellectual property rights promotion event was held in Guangzhou Huadu District, Guangzhou at Guangzhou Technology and Business College. The Guangdong Intellectual Property Protection Center's Huadu Workstation for Rights Protection Assistance was officially unveiled. The workstation is located in Guangzhou Huadu (Leather and Leather Goods) Intellectual Property Rights Rapid Protection Center (hereinafter referred to as "Huadu Quick Protection Center"), which is the first intellectual property rights protection assistance workstation in Guangdong Province directly built in the leather and leather goods industrial park. After operation, the workstation can provide free intellectual property policy consultation, dispute mediation, rights protection assistance and other "one-stop" services for key industries such as leather and leather in the northern region of Guangzhou, key markets, industrial parks, and e-commerce companies, and promote the intellectual property protection system to further extend to the grassroots.

Stimulate intellectual property creation

Supplement the original power of the industry

As a local traditional characteristic industry and a people-enriching industry, after more than 40 years of rapid development, the leather and leather goods industry in Huadu District, Guangzhou has developed into an industrial base with first-class industrial agglomeration, industrial chain integrity, and industrial supporting capabilities in the country and even the world. At present, the district has more than 8,800 production enterprises and more than 18,600 operating merchants. It has built 5 professional wholesale markets and 7 industrial parks, with an annual output of more than 500 million leather goods, an annual transaction volume of more than 30 billion yuan, a regional brand value of up to 20 billion yuan, and more than 70% of leather goods and bags exported to the world. Against the backdrop of increasingly fierce competition at home and abroad, the development of the leather and leather goods industry generally faces new challenges, such as: the original power of the industry cannot meet the growing demand for product styles and functions of consumers, product imitation, plagiarism, counterfeiting and other intellectual property infringement phenomena occur from time to time, and it is difficult and slow to protect the intellectual property rights of enterprises in e-commerce transactions.

In order to promote the development level of the leather goods and bags industry, Huadu District seizes the major opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, with the goal of accelerating the creation of a one-stop comprehensive service platform integrating intellectual property creation application, protection assistance, protection and application guidance, and continuously strengthens the service capacity of Huadu Quick Maintenance Center, provides enterprises with one-stop intellectual property professional services, and fully supports the "second entrepreneurship" of leather goods and leather.

In recent years, Huadu District has successively issued various favorable policies such as the Implementation Measures for Promoting the Development of Intellectual Property Rights and the Support Measures for Promoting the High-quality Development of High-tech Enterprises, vigorously cultivated innovative enterprises with independent research and development capabilities, and provided a maximum subsidy of 1 million yuan to enterprises that have established internal research and development institutions and have a research and development expenditure of more than 10 million yuan in the same year, further playing the important supporting role of intellectual property rights in innovation-driven development, strengthening the cultivation of high-value patents, stimulating the subjective initiative of enterprises to create intellectual property rights, and making up for the shortcomings of insufficient original motivation in the industry. In 2022, the Huadu Quick Maintenance Center accepted 5,140 patent pre-examinations and 4,636 patents were authorized. In 2023, the number of patent pre-examinations accepted 4,165 and 3,737 were authorized. The number of patents accepted and authorized ranked first in the country for two consecutive years.

Do a good job in "fast" rights protection

"Remove" infringing products in as fast as 2 working days

At present, Huadu has initially owned a 1+N e-commerce live broadcast base covering an area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters. Combining the live broadcast boom of the leather goods and leather industry and the characteristics of digital transformation and development, the Huadu Quick Maintenance Center has done a good job in "fast" rights protection. In 2023, the district will innovate and develop a notarization evidence preservation system and launch the "Easy Evidence Storage" applet, giving full play to the characteristics of blockchain technology for information data and information storage that are "tamper-proof, unforgeable, and traceable", providing rights protection groups with services such as rapid determination of work ownership, 24-hour infringement monitoring across the entire network, and evidence collection and storage at any time, solving the problems of "difficult evidence storage and evidence collection" in corporate rights protection, and achieving "removal" of infringing products within 2 working days at the fastest. Since the system was put into operation, 482 intellectual property notarization services have been handled. Relying on the patent law enforcement and rights protection cooperation mechanism in the e-commerce field signed by the Guangdong Provincial Intellectual Property Protection Center and the China E-commerce Patent Law Enforcement and Rights Protection Cooperation and Dispatch (Zhejiang) Center, after accepting rights protection cases, an infringement judgment advisory opinion that can be recognized by major e-commerce platforms and referenced by court judgments will be issued within 2 working days, so that corporate claims can be quickly handled on e-commerce platforms such as and Tmall, reducing corporate economic losses. In 2023, a total of 408 intellectual property rights protection assistance cases were accepted.

Innovative establishment of one-stop service stations

Huadu Quick Maintenance Center innovatively established a one-stop service station for intellectual property rights (i.e., circuit court, dispute mediation committee, notary service station, and rapid mediation and arbitration center), and built an intellectual property protection connection mechanism that integrates the resources of relevant departments such as market supervision, justice, copyright, customs, public security, procuratorate, and notary offices, so that enterprises can run less errands and save more worries.

Taking key areas, key industries, and key markets as breakthroughs, vigorously carry out special actions to protect well-known trademarks, well-known domestic and foreign brands and other high-value intellectual property rights, severely crack down on intellectual property infringement and illegal acts, and purify the development environment of enterprises. In 2023, 189 leather goods and leather trademark infringement cases were investigated and dealt with. Deeply carry out cross-regional and cross-field cooperation, and for infringement cases in other places, carry out in-depth linkage with Zhongshan, Dongguan and other places to provide all-round guidance for enterprises to protect their rights in other places. Link financial insurance institutions to guide enterprises to purchase intellectual property overseas infringement liability insurance on demand, and help local brands "go overseas".

In addition, in a more life-oriented and easy-to-understand form, we will widely carry out the "five-in" activities of intellectual property policies and regulations, pledge financing, and application for various intellectual property awards in enterprises, government agencies, schools, communities, and the Internet to enhance the public's awareness of respecting and protecting intellectual property rights. We will actively hold national leather designer professional skills competitions and leather design competitions, and use this as an opportunity to tap professional talents in the leather industry, injecting high-level skills and high-level original kinetic energy into creating new quality productivity in the PU Leather leather industry.

Intellectual Property Rights Protection Assistance Station "opens" In Leather And Leather Goods Industrial Park

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